Monday, October 13, 2008

Week 21 - It's a Girl; meet Madelyn Ruth

Wow, time sure flies (sort of)! Sorry for not posting for so long; there was a period of time there where we really didn't get to "see" anyting new while we waited for our 20 week ultrasound to get here so I didn't feel like I had much to tell anyone other than "when will week 20 get here so we get some new exciting news?" Well that was now over a week ago and I'm finally getting around to posting...I'm not that good at this blogging thing I guess.

Anyway, the ultrasound was great and everything is looking wonderful and measuring well. The biggest news to come out of it was that we are having a little girl. She was pretty shy for most of the procedure and I was fretting that we weren't going to find out all the way up until the end when she finally decided to give the tech the view that she needed to say we have a wonderful little girl growing in there. We were both very excited to hear the news; more than anything to know one way or the other.

Here are some images from the week 20 ultrasound (two profiles and a shot of her feet):
I hope to be better about updating the blog from here on out but if past performance is any indicator...we'll see.
Other fun news is that I can feel her moving on a fairly regular basis now and have even been able to help Andy feel her move too if I lay still and hold his hand to help find her.

Now that we know she is a little girl we have finalized her name: meet Madelyn Ruth which has been at the top of our girl name discussions for a while now. It feels great to finally have a name and some direction to start planning the nursery.

In the meantime Andy has been focussing on finishing the kitchen remodel that we decided to take on before Mady will be joining us in February. We (the "Royal We", meaning Andy does the work and I watch and supervise) have the kitchen half demo'd and have a make-shift kitchen set up in he dining room for now. We will have our new cabinets in town in the next week or two and are choosing all our flooring and other finishes now. We are hoping to have the work completed by the end of November so we have a brand new kitchen for the holidays.

1 comment:

Baby Herzog times THREE said...

She is precious!!! I can't wait to meet her in person and love love the name!!