Mady has become fairly active over the last few weeks and I feel her moving around quite a bit now. This of course makes sleep a little harder to come by but it hasn't been too bad yet. I don't think I was quite prepared for how different it feels to have this belly getting bigger and bigger every day. I'm pretty well out of most of my pre-pregnancy pants and anything that was fitted at the waist at this point but have been lucky enough to recieve tons of maternity wear from friends and family. I think I may have more maternity clothes in my closet than I had regular clothes! It is kind of fun to have a whole new wardrobe all at once.
We have also started getting offers from friends and family for baby gear type needs and are starting a nice collection down in the basement along with all the contents of our kitchen.
We are in the middle of a total renovation of our kitchen that we have been dreaming about for years. It is the last major renovation to be done on our 1928 house we've been in just over 5 years now and we decided we better to take it on now rather than wait til after Mady gets here when life will no doubt be more complicated and busy. When its just the two of us having no kitchen other than a microwave, toaster and a fridge in the dining room is much less complicated and inconvenient than it would be with a little one in the house...not to mention the mess and the dust that goes along with remodelling. I know this blog isn't about our home renovations but since I don't have any new pics of Mady here are a few of the renovation in progress.