Well we are into week 10 and all is still pretty normal. I am experiencing some nausea from time to time but have been very lucky and have not been very sick. We are getting very antsy to tell friends and family our good news so we have started telling family and will be breaking the news to a group of friends this week. We are excited to let people in on our great news!

We get to do one more early ultrasound next week at 11 weeks and then we probably won't have another one until around 20 weeks. My mom suggested that we have Andy take a video of the ultrasound machine while we are there because I keep telling her they are much more exciting live because you actually get to see the baby moving and you can see its little heartbeat. These pictures are great but they aren't quite the same. We will try that and then hopefully I can post the video on here.
Ok, well we are just very excited to start telling our friends and family our good news. It will feel great to get that off our chests; it has been very hard to hold it in this long and it has really only been a month!