I've been meaning to start a blog for some time now and this seems like a perfect excuse to start. We are exstatic to be expecting our first baby in February of 2009! According to the online calculators our expected due date is February 16, 2009 to be exact. I am still in a bit of a state of shock as I had just gotten used to seeing negative test results each month when last week to my surprise and joy the test was positive.
It was just a few days before Father's Day so I briefly toyed with the idea of keeping the news from Andy until Sunday to make for a great Father's Day surprise but that was a fleeting thought as I realized there was no way I could keep this a secret between me and McKinley for 3 whole days. I would have burst at some point so I figured I might as well get confirmation from the doctor and put a little thought into a "fun" way to tell Andy instead. So I got a blood test later that morning and confirmation from the doctor later that afternoon and then stopped on the way home and got a small baby photo album which I wrapped up with a printed card that read "Coming Soon - February 2009" along with the positive pregnancy test and gave to him that evening when I came home from work. He was, of course, so excited and happy to hear the news.
We are scheduled for our first ultrasound on June 26th to hear the heartbeat and hopefully see the little bean for the first time. I haven't really felt much going on but from time to time I feel little flutters and pangs. I have started drinking water much more than I used to so I don't know if the constant peeing is really a result of being prego or just more fluids than my body is used to handling (likely a combination of the two).
We are really struggling with not telling our closest friends and family the great news. We don't know yet when we will break the news but have resolved to at least wait until after the ultrasound to make sure things are all A-OK. When the time comes to tell folks I will share this blog to check in on progress so I wanted to start documenting things so they don't miss all this early stuff just because we were being so cautiously optimistic.